English version - finally!

It's been a while since I announced it (kinda), but the time has come: The English version of Kaishakunin is ready.

I have nothing but immense gratitude to Paula "Orca" González for her fantastic work on the layout and graphic design. If you want to see more of her magic, just visit: https://orcadice.carrd.co/ 

I hope that now more people will get to know my first game, which is (as it usually happens) very dear to me. If you like some context, I am an iaido practitioner, and I have always been fascinated by the kata named Kaishaku, which emules the movements of the seppuku assistant. Like in pretty much every iaido kata, it's not just about precise technique, but the way you breathe, how your gaze accompanies the dying samurai in front of you (you need to picture them in your imagination while performing the kata, of course). I've wanted to write something about it for a long time. Initially,  it was going to be a short story, but it ended up being this - my first solo journaling game. 

Thanks for reading and playing!


Kaishakunin_2.0_EN.pdf 15 MB
Nov 03, 2024

Get Kaishakunin (EN/ES)

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